
Safety at Zen Quest Adventures
Safety is our main priority in everything we do; from the staff we employ to the equipment we use, to the locations we choose. Our Technical equipment is CE approved and constantly checked by expert staff hold world-class qualifications. Our equipment is carefully stored, well maintained and logged with extra attention given to technical equipment for rock climbing and mountaineering.


Training and qualifications
At Zen Quest we are committed to providing experienced staff who can deliver the high quality of programs we have on offer. We believe in the ongoing training of ourselves and our staff to maintain with constant improvement our safety standards and practices. The training and experience of our staff and quality of our equipment is the reason for our perfect safety record. We are constantly cross referencing our own standards with well established experts from around the world. For example we are a big follower of Medex for their high altitude expedition research.


Privacy and data protection
Privacy and data protection are super important to us. We do not make use of any public cloud services for storing client data (for example: google drive or dropbox). We keep all data on our own hardware and private servers.
On program our guides use CB radios and mobile phones for communications, however we banned the use of non end to end encrypted messaging apps for all our facilitator and guide communications. Most importantly offerings from Tencent including, QQ and WeChat are banned as they score 0 out of 100 in the below 2016 report:

Amnesty International logo

Image text



Shishapangma 6000m expedition

Trips & Expeditions

Our ability to successfully run the complex logistics needed for multi-day wilderness expeditions is at the heart of our philosophy as a provider of experiential education in the outdoors. Our experience ranges from two night training programs on Nanao Island to 5 week long Himalayan expeditions at over 5000m. The University Shantou Shishapangma expedition run in Autumn 2011 was one such expedition done in conjunction with the Li Ka Shing Foundation and several local providers from China and Nepal.

Horse, trekking Yunnan, Lashihai

Measuring Experiential Learning

Experiential education puts the student at the centre of learning and marks a shift in the traditional dynamics between students and teachers. The role of the experiential educator is to facilitate the transfer of learning from the experiential activity to the real world, structure the reflection process for the students so as to affect maximum learning from the experience, and ensure that learning outcomes are reached.


In assessing the effectiveness of our experiential programs, our focus is thus student centered. We view student assessment as a matter of making objective yet independent judgments about the level and quality of learning which has been reached by a student. Here, we are mindful to draw a balance between objective assessment tools that will allow us to compile data for further analysis; and the independent judgements of teachers and trainers in observing the changes in each individual student.

Objective assessment tools

During the initial consultation phase, we work closely with clients in devising the specific learning outcomes of each program.

Some of the main areas we examine include: social, psychological, attitudinal and intellectual. We have chosen the most applicable questionnaires in each field to help us construct a holistic picture of student development. To give an example of this approach, we would employ a modified version of the Rosenberg self esteem scale (psychological) and the Semantic Differential scale (attitudinal) at the beginning and the end of the program. From this data we could assess whether the students have improved throughout the course of the program. The data collected from these surveys are then neatly catalogued and we conduct quarterly meta-analysis to help us design more effective programs. Continuous improvement is something that we strive for. 

We combine the above with the independent observations from accompanying staff, teachers and our team. These observations are sometimes obtained through surveys and questionnaires and sometimes via reviews and discussions. We conduct periodic reviews of these surveys to fine tune the operational and facilitatory aspect of our programs. Examples of our evaluation and measurement tools can be provided upon request. Contact us for more information.

Catapult testing, team building, China

Management Development

Training for success using development in the outdoor

We offer a range of programmes to suit both your company and your career needs. Our team of dedicated professionals combine top academic knowledge, real life managerial experience and deep expertise in the outdoors to construct individualised programmes to suit the specific needs of your company or career aspirations through our unique modular Outdoor MBA (TM) courses that teach real life business functions in an amazing outdoor setting.

Modules include:

Information management, risk management, decision making, crisis control, product development, supply chain management, enterprise resource planning, and other business-relevant modules for all levels in the team.

Leadership training, team building, alliance structuring and development, and competition management courses.

Strategy and tactics at each level of implementation for each function.

Each module combines classroom instruction with problem-solving based casework to be executed in a challenging but safe outdoor environment for a learning experience that quickly turns theory into an unforgettable and tangible memory and experience that you and your teams can use throughout your organisation and careers. Outdoor MBA TM fills the gap between the hands off, risk free dreamy abstraction of the ivory tower and the hands on, survive or go under reality of modern business by immediately linking each learning with exercises that mirror the real world and provide invaluable feedback. Please check out our sample case study and activity "Who will eat the Apple?"

We have a wide range of venues around China and Hong Kong, ranging from expedition environments in Yunnan to Shenzhen’s Lianhua shan and Maluan shan. We can even design programmes to deliver in your office or work place.

Board game, team building

Field Studies in China

We offer a range of Geography field studies programs in a variety of locations across China, Hong Kong and the Asia Pacific. Each program is tailored to your specific needs, with consideration taken for: classroom integration, program aims and curriculum.
Currently our programs include: Geography  river studies, coastal studies, Environmental science studies, tourism impact studies, geo data, Open street map, google earth, GIS and we are constantly adding more capabilities to our growing list of options.

Field studies programs can also work as a micro campusing setup were the class carries on out of school for an extended period of time.


River studies, Yangshuo, education outside

River studies in China

Join us and bring your river studies fieldwork to life with our river studies programs in locations around China, from Yangshuo and Danxia mountain in the south to Lin'An and Moganshan in the Shanghai area.
Student doing a soil MPK test in Moganshan China

Environmental sciance studies

Our ESS fieldwork programs are carefully made together with you teachers and advisers from your school to create the best field and classroom links possible. We will do site visits for you, share photos and videos of the locations data including: geo data files for google earth gps and pins for open street map.
An open source 3d printed flow meter for geography river studies

Open sourse DIY flow meter

We designed, prototyped and built an open source flow meter to measure water speed in rivers.The current build shows water speed in Km/h and costs about 60USD for all the parts (a typical off the shelf unit will cost about USD1000). Motivation Flow meters are great tools for river surveys but are often prohibitively expensive, especially for secondary schools and field studies centres. LabQuest has somewhat of a monopoly on these sensors for use in schools and we think its high time there is an easy to make, low cost and hackable solution for these tools.
Students and teacher on a beach doing coastal studies data collection

Coastal studies

Join us for your coastal studies programs, China Hong Kong and Taiwan, we can help you get the data you need in the best locations possible.

Youth Development

Mind, Body and Youth Development

The mind and body is intricately connected and this relationship governs our entire behaviour and outlook in life. Our job as outdoor educator is to train both components to cultivate all rounded individuals capable of dealing with the many challenges they will face in life.


This is especially true for young adult, who needs to build up their character in preparing themselves to enter a highly competitive world. Participants in our programmes can expect to gain leadership qualities that range from: the ability to effectively work in teams; to construct realistic goals, to find a strategy in attaining such goals; to develop interpersonal and communication skills necessary in implementing the strategy, and most importantly the will and perseverance to attain their goals. read more about how we measure this here.

All too often outdoor programmes are hastily put together with various components. However, it is our belief that diversity without convergence is meaningless, programmes that aim to be too multifarious without synergy only serves to diffuse student learning. Our programmes operate according to our client’s specific need, we design modular components to synergistically meet the overarching objectives of our clients. For a great example of how this is accomplished, please see our Spartan Challenge program for more details.

Zen Quest is proud to announce its support as a sponsor of the 2014 ACAMIS (The Association of China and Mongolia International Schools) spring conference. We will be happy to answer questions and give advice on educational delivery in the outdoors. Click here for more information about the conference.

Group photo, Shaxi old theatre, China

Personal Developments & Leadership

Leadership training is an experiential process necessary in preparing students
to lead. However, much of the existing leadership framework are aimed primarily at educated adults who are in an institutional position vested with power. As such, it has limited application to the budding adolescent mind.

Early adolescence is a developmental stage marked by hormonal and physical changes in the body.  As teens are dealing with the transition between childhood to early adulthood, this period is characterised by dramatic changes in identity, self consciousness and cognitive dexterity. Although many students are able to move beyond black and white thinking and begin to think in abstract terms, research have repeatedly demonstrated that students are more keen to learn about topics they can apply to real life, and some may reject the study of what they consider “academic subjects”. They prefer active over passive learning experiences, and value opportunities for interaction with peers during class.

Our 5-7 day program in Shaxi is specifically designed to cultivate the leadership qualities latent in all our students of this age. This is where the theory of servant leadership comes in.

“The servant leader is a servant first. It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. This is in sharp contrast to the person who is a leader first, perhaps because of the need to assuage an unusual power drive or to acquire material possessions.” (Greenleaf, 1970)

Accordingly the focus of our leadership program lies in cultivating our students’ intrinsic need and passion in serving others. What we mean by serving others is not the narrowly defined, rudimentary and trite “service learning methodology" prevalent in other service providers from our industry. Service is an umbrella term that encapsulates the very essence of passion, of initiating an idea and have the confidence and ability to carry the idea out into fruition. The motivation for so doing is to better the lives of others, the methodology in achieving so will require vision, communication, investment and above all camaraderie and shared passion. In the following we will seek to demonstrate how this could be done.

Group photo, KGV, 2016, Yangshuo, Moon Hill


Empower your schools reach beyond the classroom








School Programs

Getting ready for the fall? Take your schools outdoor education, service learning, microcampus setup, expeditions and experiential education to the next level with Zen Quest’s tailor made, thematically designed programs. We set out to prove that outdoor education works, come and take part in this endeavour with us, as we use every program to further research, in the effectiveness of adventure education and service learning.

teaching, river studies, Lin'An, China, field sketch, people river

Field Studies

Bringing students learning to life, with innovative programs, real world experiences and expert facilitators.

Trekking, river jump, two students, China
Compass Outdoor Education Icon

Outdoor Education

Understanding outdoor education, and how we use it to improve lives through experience.

Problem Solving

Plan, Do, Review

Service Learning

Remote Classrooms


Outdoor Education

River Studies, KGV, 17, field work, Yangshuo
Certificate Icon

IB, GCSE & A Levels

In Curriculum outdoor education and field studies


Shaxi rice field, with one student

Week without Walls

Educations outside the classroom.

Porter ledge setup and photoshoot in Liming, China

Contact Us

Long text

For more information

Danxia Mountain drone image, waterfall and temple

Dansha Mountain

Guangdong, China

Danxia Mountain 丹霞山, little known outside of China, is a geo-park in Guangdong province which has gained UNESCO recognition for its geology and natural habitats. The mountain is situated in Renhua County, about 45 kilometres (28 miles) from Shaoguan City. Covering an area of more than 280 square kilometres (69,190 acres), the mountain is composed primarily of red sandstone rocks.


The scenic area contains more than 680 various stone peaks, stone fortresses, walls, pillars and stone bridges. The stones have been formed over the eons by nature, many of them have likenesses to parts of the human body, birds and even animals.
Some activities include:


Canoeing(homemade bamboo raft)


Community service (cleaning farmhouses or fixing the roads) and conducting research (on average personal income, population, number of people working out of town, number of staying people, daily life, transportation, local environmental protection and others).

Making moon cakes
Danxia flower image, raining
Antartica, photo by Ed Lau, Shantou student expedition

Global Issues

Taken by Ed Lau in Antarctica with Shantou University 2013

Global issues

Global scale, local action

Global issues; how to create leaders equipped with both a global vision and a willingness to work with others, the groundwork begins with education.

Issues such as global poverty, climate change and international disputes require solutions based on sacrifice, courage and integrity. Our programmes provide a great platform for developing the above qualities. Our Servant Leadership program focuses on shared decision making based on moral fortitude.


Real Yangshuo 2020

Local scale, global issue

14 square km of destruction in Yangshuo, China

The "Global Issues Network" has been around for a while now and many schools, educational establishments and companies actively take part in their conferences and educational workshops. The book Global Issues by John L. Seitz is now in its 5th addition revised in 2016 and serves as the backbone to the global issues network. Networks and discussions are all very well, however to have real learning and progress on global issues requires action. Thats where Zen Quest comes in, we can help your organisation arrange community outreach programmes, educational exchanges and logistics in many far flung areas across China.

Furthermore, engaging in local issues provides a platform for real life involvement where teams and individuals can see the immediate impact of their actions. Our job as educators is to tie those local issues with the larger concerns that are happening around the globe. Through activities such as building sustainable greenhouses in Shaxi and understanding the roots of poverty through active engagement with underprivileged locals, our multinational staff are especially adept at analysing local issues and applying it in a global context.

Also see: for more information on GI.